Ambassador of Thailand to Finland attended the dinner for the diplomatic corps hosted by the President of Finland

Ambassador of Thailand to Finland attended the dinner for the diplomatic corps hosted by the President of Finland

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 26 Apr 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 27 Nov 2022

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Ambassador of Thailand to Finland attended the dinner for the diplomatic corps 
hosted by the President of Finland
25 April 2017, at the Presidential Palace 
                   On 25 April 2017, His Excellency Mr. Nopporn Adchariyavanich, Ambassador of Thailand to Finland, and spouse attended the dinner for the diplomatic corps hosted by His Excellency Mr. Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland, at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki. On this occasion, Ambassador Adchariyanich had conversation with President Niinistö and informed him that the Ambassador had met with several Finnish high ranking officers to find the ways and means to enhance cordial relationship and cooperation between Thailand and Finland especially in promoting business and investment between the two countries, together with learning about education management and innovation from Finland in order to support the implementation of “Thailand 4.0” policy.