A courtesy call on H.E. Minister of Employment, Ministry of Economic and Employment of Finland by the Ambassador of Thailand to Finland

A courtesy call on H.E. Minister of Employment, Ministry of Economic and Employment of Finland by the Ambassador of Thailand to Finland

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 25 Mar 2022

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Mar 2022

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On 24 March 2022, H.E. Miss Chavanart Thangsumphant, Thai Ambassador to Finland and her delegation had a courtesy call on H.E. Mrs. Tuula Haatainen, Minister of Employment, Ministry of Economic and Employment of Finland at the Ministry. Mr. Olli Sorainen, Senior Ministerial Adviser of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment also attended.
During the discussion, the Thai Ambassador thanked the Finnish side on improving the structure and practices in the Thai berry’s pickers’ recruitment system. Furthermore, with the recent decision and findings of the Supreme Court case regarding the human trafficking of Thai wild berry pickers by one of the berry companies in Finland, the Thai Embassy realized that it might be useful to carry out a research study / an assessment to see whether the elements in the Court’s findings have already been successfully addressed, both in structures and practices of the management and handling of the situation of the Thai pickers in Finland for the whole process, starting from recruitment, giving loan, expenses for traveling and accommodation cost, living condition during the performance of work, wage as well as fringe benefits. This is in order to help monitor, safeguard and protect the wellbeing and social justice for the Thai wild berry pickers in Finland. The Finnish side fully supported the Thai Embassy’s initiative and was willing to cooperate with the Thai Embassy in this regard.
Besides, the Finnish Minister of Employment also discussed with the Thai Ambassador on ways and opportunities for the Thai nationals, both skilled and unskilled labors, to work in many fields in Finland, ranging from technology and innovation, renewable energy, electric vehicles, oil spill control, and waste management. At the present, Finland is reaching the aging society and indeed in need a lot of workforces in various industries.

